No phone

To whom it may concern : from Wednesday on, my phone number at home will be cancelled. If you want to contact me by other means than email, use my mobile phone number.

Attraction error

I encountered this funny error message while resetting some values on xscreensaver :

$ xscreensaver-demo
attraction: domain error: forces on balls too great

Well yeah, I guess I would give up too ... :)

Mac OSX on Intel

After the Intel announcement of Apple, it wasn't really a surprise that some people had cracked OSX so it could run on any 'ordinary' Intel hardware. Now, the story appeared on, but there are still some questions whether or not this is a hoax. The hacked torrent isn't available anyway, and that seems strange. But it could be nice to test this in a VMWare session...

kristof Mon, 08/22/2005 - 16:06

Nope, it's no hoax; I saw it running yesterday on a collegue's x86 laptop. If you want to run this in VMWare, you'll need VMWare 5 (and 6 Gigabyte of free disk space) to run the image included in the torrent.

Pater Noster has collected the Pater Noster in some 1332 languages and dialects, complete with images of the prayers.