
My last set of colored lenses were the blue ones. I must admit it's the color I least fancy, though the blue was one of the most prominent colors, as finally there were some people who asked if my eyes had changed somehow.

So now, back to regular lenses. It was a funny experiment to see my eyes change color every month. I can advise it to anyone, though don't expect many people to notice the changes, as they are quite subtle.


There's alot of talk recently about Enlightenment 0.17, which after three years of development, has now reached the point of usability. Enlightenment is a nifty desktop environment, not quite like KDE or Gnome, but build to impress. The resulting desktop may contains as much, or even more eye-candy than a Mac OSX desktop, so it's logic that a lot of people were waiting for the new version.

Now there's Elive, a live cd based on E17 with Debian, for you to test things out. What's even better is that the Ubuntu folks have put a page online which discusses howto install the latest cvs version compiled into deb packages on your PC, which is basically as easy as adding a line to your sources.list. I just installed the CVS beta of E17 on my PC, and must say that E17, just like E16, smokes other desktop environments in terms of eye-candy, though this doesn't mean that Enlightenment feels bloated in any way.

Unluckily, the provided debs are only for i386, which means that sparc is not supported. I'm seriously thinking about using my E3000 Sun server to build the sparc debs, though I will need to look for some webspace to host the +50 megabytes on deb packages...

Niagara viagra

Some info about the upcoming Sun Niagara chips has been leaked; The Register got some output of an OpenSolaris box running on a 8-way Niagara chip, showing 32 threads at a time, which makes Niagara very interesting for webbased stuff. I definitely would like to see some Apache2 benchmarks on this stuff, and can't wait to have one of these in our computer room. The first server based on the Niagara chip is believed to be called the Sun Fire T200.

Ben Rockwood has some more info about the different Sun chipsets and their codenames. Interesting to see is that a Niagara chip is in fact a scaled down UltraSparc II.

View from Husband Hill

After 14 months of climbing, the Mars rover Spirit has reached the summit of Husband Hill, 269 feet above the edge of the Martian plain. The panoramic view from the top is spectacular. This breathtaking view from the summit reveals previously hidden southern terrain called "Inner Basin"(center), where team members hope to direct Spirit in the future. The rover left tracks to the left point toward the west, the direction Spirit arrived from. The peaks of "McCool Hill" and "Ramon Hill," both in the "Columbia Hills," can be seen just to the left and behind Inner Basin.