Git as a backup tool

Backup and version control tools are in fact the same : their job is to keep different versions of files. Using git as a backup solution is an interesting point of view for this hip version control tool. If you're interested in start using Git altogether, check out this tutorial.
Update : EigenClass is a git backup implementation in OCaml.
Update2 : an important remark is that Git does not preserve file ownership. This might be a no-go for restore operations, but for personal file backup this might well do the job you're looking for.

RubenV Wed, 02/06/2008 - 12:35

Seems like the link is dead. Too bad...

bart9h Sat, 02/16/2008 - 01:45

In reply to by RubenV


kristof Thu, 03/06/2008 - 07:31

In reply to by bart9h

Thanx, that link seems to work.

Siindre Røkene… Tue, 04/14/2009 - 13:46

I have written a small program(bash script really) that takes command line arguments, and allow users to configure backup directories through a ini file in /etc

Just follow this link.

This is not a how-to, but a script that can be downloaded and installed using 'make install'
Please feel free to use it, and report any flaws or bugs.