Solar foil

I purchased recently some solar foil; it's the best way to observe the sun safely : ocular solar filter are just unsafe, because of the high temperatures it receives by all the concentrated sunlight in your telescope. Solar projection is rather awkward to take pictures.

Solar foil reduces the sunlight to 0.000 01 percent of its strength, which gives nice pictures like the inset here. Unfortunately the sun surface is quite boring the last days : not a single tiny sunspot in sight.

Funny things seen in source code

At the top of a particularly convoluted and otherwise completely uncommented code:

// Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

The wiki has a page with all the funny and weird stuff that can be found in source code.

Seen on Slash

The time that I read Slashdots comments is long gone. There's just too much noise, even with a +5 filter. In the case you really want to read the best ./ comments, head over to Seen on Slash, which accumulates the most relevant comments.

The Moscow underground

The Moscow underground is renowned for its majestic splender, take a look for yourself. Check out Unrealised Moscow too, for a look on some of Stalinists' taste in architecture from the 1930s to the early 1950s. Although, ultimately, neither of these projects was realised, the plans submitted by the participants had a noticeable influence on the development of Moscow. Considered today, it is clear that the best examples of this architecture, most of which never got beyond the drawing board, are more profound and interesting than the ideological norms within the constraints of which they were devised.