Monstrous manual

Planet ADnD has an online version available of the AD&D Monstrous Manual. Quite handy if you've forgotten your copy on a D&D party, but also a nice online reference book.

What's up - 2007 has another 2007 astro calender available for download (23 MB pdf). Very great overview of night objects for every skyhunter out there. The 2006 edition was a great success, the 2007 one looks as promising as the previous one.


I upgraded my XGL/Compiz set from Quinnstorm packages to the new Beryl-manager. The Gimp has an attitude of keeping several windows open, so trailfocus isn't really helpfull there, so I decided to exclude Gimp from the trailfocus module. That can be accomplished to specifying a WM_CLASS in the Beryl-manager, but what has to be specified there exactly ?

On can find the exact name of a WM_CLASS object by typing the command :

xprop | grep WM_CLASS | cut -d \" -f 4

The cursor then changes to a cross, which enables you to select the application of which you want to know the WM_CLASS.


I spent the last week in the middle of the English countryside for a course of HP-UX Serviceguard.

Thick fog, Festive Feasants, Badgers, Guiness and heavy head aches. Luckily we travelled by EuroStar, cause Heathrow Airport was rather chaotic due to the fog.

There's a small collection of pictures I took with my mobile phone, so quality is not overall excellent. It offers a good, misty overview of a week with little or no distraction.

Nico De Dobbeleer Wed, 05/09/2007 - 10:02


Ja ik ben daar ook geweest voor HP-OpenView. Ik logeerde in Heckfieldpark een beetje verder op. Was wel spijtig dat er niets te doen was maar het restaurant was overheerlijk.
