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Drupal 4.6.1

I just upgraded the Drupal engine to version 4.6.1. The upgrade process was cumbersome, awkward, non-trivial and difficult to say at least. It seems that Drupal suffers from the same upgrade disease as PostNuke does : the first time, the upgrade died on the database upgrade. Luckily, I did had a backup of the database and the website, so reverting the upgrade was no problem. I performed the upgrade then on a local copy, which learned me how to upgrade properly. There are some problems left, especially with the taxonomy_image module, but that's for later.

OpenSolaris provides support for x86/x86-64 processors as well as Sparc. The Blastware guys are working on Polaris, which is an OpenSolaris port to PowerPC. Sun has been working on opening Solaris for over a year now. The OpenSolaris project started with a pilot group of Sun and non-Sun users. During the pilot program a lot of info including screenshots could be found on various OpenSolaris member blogs. (My favorite is Ben Rockwood's blog).

Teamware is the source code management system Sun uses for Solaris and OpenSolaris. Which was designed by Larry McVoy (now of BitKeeper) while he was at sun. No word yet on if Teamware will be available for OpenSolaris developers or not. Sun also uses CollabNet for it's Open Source project websites so that might be a possibility as well.