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Due to my car troubles, I spent the shortest FOSDEM visit ever last weekend in Brussels. Just enough time to see these presentations :
  • Alan Cox gave a speech about kernel development management. Nothing too much new here that we didn't knew already, but still interesting to hear.

  • Thomas Lange explained Debians FAI system, its automated installation process for servers. I already played around with this before, but found it not really something you set up quickly, as also was clearly explained in the talk. Unluckily, FAI has no support for LVM, which is rather a shame, though it's in the development pipeline.

  • Finally, I stayed in the Debian developer's room to listen to Jeroen Wolfellaar, who explained the Debian QA team procedures.

Short but good. Pity I couldn't be there on Saturday : I really wanted to hear the talks about Snort and Nagios. The many developers rooms were a great idea, and the new AW building used to accomodate them was a great idea. And God, some nerds really can be a pain in the ass, like the one in the FAI presentation, who really insisted on having a USB storage based FAI system.