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FOSDEM 2007 is over, and it was, as usual, quite good. I could only make it on Sunday, rushing from one place to another. Content Management Systems are big, every company is using one, so Plone and Drupal were interesting talks. I didn't learned as much new stuff during the Drupal talk, but interesting nevertheless.
Bacula was the reason I attended this FOSDEM day. As backup infrastructure is a large part of my professional occupancy, Bacula was a nice intro in open source backup solutions. Pity there was no time for an extended demo, though.
I ended the day in two developper rooms. The first was an uninspired talk by Sven Luther about the debian kernel in d-i in the next release of Debian. Is it my impression, or are things going from bad to worse in the Debian community ? The final talk featured a first attempt to Access, with the Gnome application Glom. Nice stuff, something to check out.