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Goodbye Drupal

Since I migrated to Drupal 10, my site has become laggy as hell. I don't know what's the true reason is, Drupal10 demanding more of the mariadb SQL server, or the abysmal disk performance of my LightSail server, or just a combination of the two. I really got so annoyed by the downtime, and the VPS was eating through my AWS burst credits, that I decided to migrate away from Drupal. As already said before, I didn't really needed a full blown CMS system for my blog: the comments were disabled since years, as it was impossible to tackle all the spam, and the baby caring of a Debian system with the ever rapidly Drupal upgrades got on my nerves. And paying more than 10 bucks per month was way too much that I wanted to spent on this, let alone the time needed for all the above.

I developed a small dbt data pipeline which pulled some Drupal database tables together in order to create a table gathering all necessary fields. This table got exported into a CSV file which was the base for a small Python script, which converted the table to Nikola pages. Only thing then left was to correct all internal links referring to my old site.

So here is the result: a fully static web site.