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Heavy gear

I have a new telescope ! I bough myself this 20cm Dobson telescope, a large improvement on my current 114mm scope. Astronomy has been such a pleasant hobby throughout the last years, that I decided to gear up my equipment. I doubted between the Dobson, and a parallactical based 200mm Newton, but the point of portability was too important : I need to carry around the scope easily, and such a big Newtonian scope just needs a fixed place. I just got a change to test the Dobson, and the results are promising : in very bad conditions (very bright moon, misty weather), the telescope shows stars of magnitude 11, which is the best result I got from my 114mm Newton. M35 reveals itself as a jewel twinkling in the Gemini constellation. Anyway, if you are interested in a second-hand 114mm telescope, just let me know ;)