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Immense solar activity

It is storming on the sun : since a week, there are gigantic solar spots visible on the sun, accompanied by several coronal mass ejections. Today, one of the largest eruptions ever measured, has taken place. The solar flare creates intense radiation levels from high-energetic particles, bombarding the atmosphere of Earth. This phenomenon is called a proton storm, and this one hasn't even yet reached its maximum.

Satellite communication will be disrupted because of the Rontgen- and EUV-radiation, damaging the solar panels, and the satellite computers will be jammed because of the energetic particles. Astronauts on the ISS will be subjected to large X-ray levels, and even passengers on planes will get X-ray doses comparable to the ones of doctor visits.

The increased solar activity will create a very large auroral activity, most noticable in the night of Wednesday on Thursday. So if you've never seen the polar light, keep an eye on the sky during the next nights.