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New, new, new

The last days have been expensive... First, Friday I noticed an ad for a new bike. I have been looking a long time for another bike : the current one dates from my student years, and frankly, besides the metallic frame, there's not much that is worth restoring. I first thought about upgrading the bike with new parts, but that turned out to be too costly. I then thought about buying myself a second-hand bike, but they are really hard to find and some are as much worn out like my current one. So buying the one I did yesterday seemed to be a good choice, certainly if I considered the price. Unfortunately, the current weather does not allow me to do a testdrive, unless I want to return soaking wet.

We have been looking for some new garden furniture too, and a bargain in the local toy and garden shop seemed the right thing; it even had the color we were looking for.

And last, I'm about to buy myself a new car. I've searched long and hard for a second-hand car, but young diesel cars are hard to find, and *very* expensive. So I bit the bullet and decided to spend 3000 euro more, and get myself a new car. I haven't signed any documents yet, but within a week, there will be more news. Watch this space.