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Upgraded to Drupal6

I've just upgraded the site to Drupal6. Seems that there is already a Drupal 6.1 security release, so you might upgrade too. Or you might have seen the upgrade notice, cause Drupal now alerts the admin in case of an available upgrade (as it is the case in eg Pivot).

The upgrade self was quite fast & very user-friendly, I just had one issue where after the upgrade is performed, I was invited to go to the Administration pages, but only to find a message that the site was under maintenance. Going to http://mysite/?q=user offered me a login window again.

Drupal 6 seems quite like version 5, but the large part of the modifications is under the hood. I had to remove some modules as the 6-compatible modules are not yet all available. Views is still in experimental stage, so I had to disable the Calendar on the right frame. Same thing for the spam module, but image based CAPTCHA is doing a great job. I still need to check the needed modifications in the theme files for the taxonomy_image module, but that's for later. The Search function may give unpredictable results, as this site is slowly being reindexed, but I think everything will be fine after some hours.