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Upgrading to s10_b72

Some weeks ago, Sun released testbuild 72 of their Sun Solaris Express program, basically a testversion of Solaris 10. I hoped to be able to upgrade my previous build (b69), but the upgrade program bailed out with an error saying that it needed 6 GB diskspace to upgrade the machine, more than was available on the disk. So I had no other choice than reinstalling Solaris 10, and as the installation program is really braindead, I had to repartition my disk again. The installation program simply isn't able to keep the existing disklayout.

C'mon Sun, I know that 99% of Solaris installs happen by Jumpstart, but this could really better, no ? I tried to install my Linux laptop as a Solaris Jumpstart server, but encountered too many problems with the setup_install_server script.

Well, they are *test*builds after all, aren't they ?