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what I would like in S60v5

It's three weeks now that I have the Nokia N97, and I must say I'm quite pleased with it. The list of installed applications grows every week, and the hardware is, as said before, a real bliss. The S60v5 update introduces widgets, miniviews that display information on the home screen. Examples of miniviews are a weather widget, Facebook, stocks and RSS feeds. I like the idea of presenting variable & customizable information on the home screen, something that was really missing in S60v3. However, I really would like to see the following implemented :

  • more widgets. The list is quite short IMO

  • a separate widgets section in the OVI store

  • currently, the miniviews on the home screen are rather limited in screen estate space, a variable size would be great

  • more customizable home screens, of course

  • vertical scrolling RSS widgets. Currently, only the first two RSS entries are shown

  • a TV widget that shows the current and next program in a miniview

I hope the N97 will be able to upgrade to Symbian^2, which should be available mid 2010. Whether S60v5 apps will be supported, is of course a question. In the mean time, one can install the M1 Android shell, which provides your N97 with the Android home screen. It's nothing more than a placeholder for some application launchers, and once an application is launched, you're in the S60v5 interface again. Somehow cool, especially on a white N97, which gets transformed to a HTC Magic.