
Visual guide to the Mandelbrot set


Everyone sure knows fractals, the beautiful mathematical organic drawings. Because they appear similar at all levels of magnification, fractals are often considered to be infinitely complex. Natural objects that are approximated by fractals to a degree include clouds, mountain ranges, lightning bolts, coastlines or snow flakes. The most famous one is the Mandelbrot set, named to the French mathematician.

Programs like Fractint or its successor Xaos make fractal exploring within everyones reach. However, knowing where to zoom in, makes the difference between boring and exciting fractals. Here's a visual guide to fractal exploring, making you feel like Alice in Wonderland.

Khan academy


Is your knowledge of science getting a bit rusty ? Having troubles following your kids with their matrix multiplications ? Head over to the Khan Academy and brush things up, ranging from chemistry over biology to linear algebra.

Start to walk


Onlangs een pedometer gekregen, u weet wel, zo'n dingetje dat je voetstappen per dag telt. Ik heb het eens meegenomen tijdens een normale werkdag, en ik moet zeggen dat de resultaten nogal verrassend zijn :
Op een ganse werkdag (van 6h t/m 18h) heb ik zo'n 4459 stappen gezet, wat neerkomt op 2.67 km en -hou u vast- slechts een energiewaarde verbruikt van 161.2 kcal, wat niet eens 10% is van een normaal energieverbruik. Dat ik mijn gewicht nog redelijk onder controle heb, is bij deze uiterst meegenomen !

The particle adventure


Now that everyone and his cat is talking about the Large Hadron Collidor, and whether it will destroy the earth, few people seem to realize what the CERN scientists are looking for. The Higgs Boson, or God particle, is the prey scientists are hunting already for decades, and has become the Holy Grail of physics. Renowned British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has bet 100 dollars that the LHC won't find the Higgs Boson.

Elementary particle physics was one of my favorite classes back in university. The particle adventure is a nice walk through this fascinating world of quantum dynamics.