
Travelling the dimensions


Everyone knows we're living into a 3 dimensional world, whereas time is being defined as the invariable 4th dimensional frame we're experiencing. Dimensions is a website explaining this stuff in nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed!

If you really want your head to go for a spin, then watch this video of how to imagine the 10th dimension, the place were quantum physicists believe this is were superstring particles vibrate, and thus create subatomic particles.

Water is supercool


Water is a radical nonconformist—differing from other liquids in dozens of ways. Most famous among water's peculiarities is its density at low temperatures. While other liquids contract and get denser as they cool toward their freezing points, water stops contracting and starts to expand. That's why ice floats and frozen pipes burst.

Water gets even weirder at colder temperatures, where it can exist as a liquid in a supercooled state well below its ordinary freezing point. Recent evidence suggests that supercooled water splits its personality into two distinct phases—another oddity unseen in other liquids. And at –63 degrees Celsius, supercooled water's weird behavior returns to "normal."

Harry Potter and the curse of the headache


Finally, a scientific study about Harry Potter : an attempt to classify Harry Potter's headaches as described in the biographical series by JK Rowling. Regrettably we are not privy to the Wizard system of classifying headache disorders and are therefore limited to the Muggle method, the International Classification of Headache Disorders.