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Exploit For Windows JPEG Bug

A sample program hit the Internet on Wednesday, showing by example how malicious coders could compromise Windows computers by using a flaw in the handling of a widespread graphics format by Microsoft's software. Security professionals expect the release of the program to herald a new round of attacks by viruses and Trojan horses incorporating the code to circumvent security on Windows computers that have not been updated. The flaw, in the way Microsoft''s software processes JPEG graphics, could allow a program to take control of a victim's computer when the user opens a JPEG file.

At the same time, Microsoft has decided that future IE updates, including those related to security, will only be available to customers using Windows XP. This article has the complete scoop. A choice quote: 'Microsoft may be turning the lemons of its browser's security reputation into the lemonade of a powerful upgrade selling point.'.

As allways, it's mandatory for Windows users to update regularly.