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Many aeons ago, I made a music program on radio Scorpio, called Fallout. It was a fun time, where Jan Goesaert and me experimented with the medium radio. I think I can humbly say we were many years ahead of our time : we were the first on radio Scorpio (in 1996 !) to offer internet editions of our previous shows, podcasting even before the word was invented. It may have sounded amateurish, but I hope our enthusiasm kept things enjoyable for the poor listener. And the poor listener was a test subject for industrial noise and illbient, as that was the underground music type we were broadcasting.

The program featured a website, but this one got lost in the many hosting provider takeovers the web knew at that time. So I sobbed many years about the loss of this site, untill now : thanks to the Internet Archive, I found a partial copy of the site, which I used to create a reconstruction. The webdesign was -ehm- 1990ties, but was true to the show by having dark backgrounds and icons (and skulls ! and pentragrams !).

Without further ado : here's the late Fallout website. Enjoy this marvelous piece of nostalgia.

Whereas "light" ambient embraces the importance of human social formations (think of tribal), and reaches from the inside to the outside, Isolationist music takes the confrontation with the inner side of man : fear, perversion and paranoia. Are you ready for this confrontation ?