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Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain

Last Friday, I saw for the first time Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain. I generally don't like French films, but Le destin is a juwel. I'm apparently not the only one with this opinion, because the movie, which is regarded as the master of feel-good movies, was for 52 weeks (!) on the programmation list of the famous Studio movie theathers in Leuven. If you watch the movie, pay attention to the photography. Nearly every frame is a watercolor painting come to life, even the most mundane scenes.

Take, for instance, the snippet where Amelie encounters the man playing the record player in the subway. Look at the colors, and how even the buttons on the man's coat echoes the peas in the painting behind him. Look, too, at the colors in the concierge's apartment and in the park -- everywhere! It is a feast for the eyes!

Very beautifull soundtrack too from Yann Tiersen.