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Yamaha PSR-E413

Since I'm officially allowed from this year on to have a mid-life crisis, I had to choose between getting either a tattoo, a Harley Davidson, an electric guitar or a synthesizer. Being the geek that I am, I off course chose for the item containing the most knobs and blinkenlights. Unfortunately, synths are quite expensive and above budget range for a new hobby that I'm unsure of persevering. Therefore I opted for a keyboard, which has less impressive sound samples, but fortunately, some keyboards integrate basic synth functions.

I finally bought me a Yamaha PSR-E413 : 32 note polyphony, arpeggiator, pitch bend and synthesizer Control Knobs for real-time control of filter & effects of sounds. Enough features to prevent sounding like the James Last band. It has an education suite, which will hopefully will help me mastering this instrument. Time to brush up my music theory and start playing !