Bunker 2009

De Bunker is een jeugdhuis in Glabbeek dat ieder jaar een festival organiseert. Vijf jaar geleden waren we erbij toen de Levellers de affiche sierden. Dit jaar heeft men blijkbaar totaal de danskaart getrokken met Stijn, Front 242, Etienne de Crécy en Dr Lektroluv.

Front 242 is al jaren één van mijn favoriete groepen. Halverwege de jaren negentig waren de groepsleden echter de samenwerking beu, en gingen elks hun eigen weg. Wat nog volgde, was een jarenlange release van remixes. Onlangs echter besloot Front zijn nummers te herarrangeren door gebruik te maken van de allerlaatste synthesizers, wat de live CD 'Moments' opleverde. Ook een manier natuurlijk om creatief te zijn. Ik krijg nog steeds kippenvel als ik Funkhadafi of Im Rythmus bleiben hoor brengen, maar opgewarmde kost van 20 jaar geleden, blijft opgewarmde kost natuurlijk. Wie ze gemist heeft, kan zich herpakken op 1 november : dan treden ze samen met Anne Clark (!) op in Hasselt.

Arsenal is een echte live groep : opzwepende funky wereldmuziek, die het vuur in de tent zette. Knappe groep met goeie nummers en duidelijk veel podiumervaring.
Etienne de Crécy bracht een DJ set, maar was te repititief om te kunnen blijven boeien. Sommige delen van zijn set zakten daardoor als een soufflé in elkaar. Nee, dan liever Dr Lektroluv. Deze belgische DJ die steevast in zilveren vestje en groen masker optreedt, stond terecht bovenaan de affiche.

Serge van Gind… Sun, 08/09/2009 - 14:39

Als ik er op terugdenk, en een Google search verder, dan kom ik op deze Youtube:


20 jaar geleden was ik daar, in de Vooruit in Gent.

Damn. Twintig jaar.

Nokia N97

I've been playing with the Nokia N97 for a week now. Choosing the color of the device has never been so difficult : I like my mobile phones black, but the black N97 version has a dark brown back, and the front is more anthracite. So I opted in the last moment for a white device. It arrived a week later than expected, and judging by the size of the box, I feared that the webshop only sent me the car holder. Choosing a device only by internet preview pics & unboxing videos is deceptive - the box itself was 3 times smaller than expected. If you have small hands, you're apparently an ideal candidate for mobile device manufacturers to send device previews to. And indeed, after unboxing the device, it was about 1 cm less wide and high as expected. Same experience with my previous Nokia, the N80. Seems that most people really like small mobile phones, something I can't understand why.

The box content is rather dissapointing :
- a stylus ? Come on Nokia, the era of the stylus has ended 3 years ago. Get over it. It would have been great if you provided us with a USB memory stick disguised as a stylus, with a Nokia logo on it, but this stylus thing is waste of plastic.
- No car charger ? This is Nokia's flagship device, and no car charger provided ?
- No pouch ? No TV out cable ?

Luckily, lots of this is made good by the N97 device itself: Very sleek & sexy with a chrome bezel. Nokia hardware rules. The slide-out mechanism is great, and makes a nice sound when clapping open & close. There is unfortunately little or no tactile feedback from the keyboard, but apart from that it works fast. Battery life is very good, I get 2 days with moderate to heavy use; battery needs about 2 to 2.5 hours for a complete fill.

The performance of the N97 is rather surprisingly good, given its 434 MHz processor. The touchscreen is quite responsive for a resistive screen, though a capacitive one would have been far better. First thing to do is to fill the gorgeous 32GB space with new S60v5 applications. The OVI store is a good starting point, the list with applications grows every week.

I like the stability of Symbian; combined with the wealth of applications, this makes it a bliss using the device. Combined with the sexy look & feel, you'll get lots of attention when you pull out the N97. A question I get a lot, is if the functionalities are comparable with the iPhone. Well, hands up of those iPhone users whose devices can do the following :
- SSH to your Linux workstation/VNC control your windows desktop, read your email, while listening to your favorite MP3 files.
- follow your voice-guided satnav, while listening to your MP3 files, FM transmitted to your car radio.
Get it ?

Are there any drawbacks on the device ? Apart from the hefty price tag, hardly; initially there were numerous problems reported, but the new firmware took care of most of them. However, I'm still bugged with the following :
- The GPS has lots of trouble getting a fix on satellites; only while enabling A-GPS, I get a fix within the minute. Drawback if you don't have an unlimited data plan.
- The Accuweather widget doesn't refresh itself correctly (sometimes needs manual kicking)
I hope that next firmware upgrades will take care of this.

Apart from that, the N97 is by far the most pleasant toy I ever used. Definitively an allways-on device.

Anonymous Tue, 07/21/2009 - 10:18

Interesting read, but you haven't looked at an iPhone closely I think

- SSH to your Linux workstation
There a number of applications in the app store, some even free, that do SSH, telnet..
- VNC control your windows desktop
Yup, there's an app for that. Several even. iSSH does the above too, and even includes an Xserver
- read your email
Basic functionality, multiple accounts, all the common protocols and some less common in a mobile device too. Oh, and all SSL
- while listening to your favorite MP3 files.
"It's the best iPod we've ever made" - Steve Jobs. And yes, while you're doing other things the music keeps playing
- follow your voice-guided satnav
There are 2 voiceguided Turn-by-Turn applications available, TomTom will arrive in september. They're not included in the device's price, I'll give you that one
- while listening to your MP3 files
See above
- FM
There's an accessory for FM - again, not included but also not impossible
- transmitted to your car radio.
Nearly every car manufacturerer will give you the option for an iPod connection kit, which will stream any audio coming from the iPhone to your car stereo. You can do this over A2DP bluetooth too, AND make calls handsfree over bluetooth

- Get it ?
I think I do, do you? ;-)

Still, the N97 is a slick device, and the higher resolution is certainly a big plus. Besides, for a first venture into this market, Nokia has done very well

Anonymous Fri, 08/14/2009 - 15:07

In reply to by Anonymous

..and its not their first venture. just look at the expressmusic series.

how well does your "conection kit" work with your kitchen radio, your radio alarm clock and the hifi rack in the living room?

yes i know, you can buy some device, plug it into the anus of an iphone and it will transmit fm.

but with the n97, its just the press of a key - and it will stop transmitting after the source of the audio goes mute. so no needles battery usage, no adiitional batteries in a additional device...

i njoy this particulary, while streaming all kind of movies and live tv shows (i.e. bbc world news) in my car
using the flash/real player during long drives. no worries, my eyes are on the road most of the times:P

Nachtelijk vuurwerk

Het is tegenwoordig feest in de nachtelijke lucht :

- Vlak na zonsondergang kan je prachtige structuren ontdekken in de schemering in het westen : door de uitbarsting van de Sarychev vulkaan is er enorm veel vulkaanstof in de lucht. Deze kleine stofdeeltjes geven oorzaak tot horizontale stofbanden boven de westelijke horizon.

- Het Internationale RuimteStation (ISS) kan samen met de Space Shuttle (STS-127) gezien worden als een snelbewegende zeer heldere ster. Vooral het ISS is door zijn grootte een zeer helder en groot object aan de avondlucht. Al met een gewone verrekijker kan men al zien dat dit geen ster of vliegtuig is. Verschillende amateur astronomen hebben met hun telescopen gepoogd om het ISS op de gevoelige plaat te krijgen, met succes. Wil je ook het ISS zien overvliegen, en eens zwaaien naar Frank DeWinne ? Rep je naar heavens-above.com, vul je coördinaten in, en selecteer ISS om een idee te krijgen van de tijdstippen waarop het ruimtestation te zien is.

- En tenslotte kan men 's nachts lichtweerkaatsende wolken zien (NLC's), laag in het noordwesten. Deze ontstaan doordat de zon zo laag onder de horizon zit, dat wolken op grote hoogte nog steeds verstrooid zonlicht naar de aarde weerkaatsen.