Gnome2.8 preview
I used to believe
I used to believe that if you put pussy willows catkins (yes, that is what they're called!) in your closet, they'd turn into kittens overnight. Hense, we stripped the neighbor's bushes (a subject of great concern at the next coffee klatsch), made little nests on the floors of our closest out of tissues, and waited. And waited. And waited...
I used to believe is a collection of ideas that adults thought were true when they were children. it will remind you what it was like to be a child, fascinated and horrified by the world in equal parts. This site will reassure you that the things you used to believe weren't so strange after all...
I used to believe is a collection of ideas that adults thought were true when they were children. it will remind you what it was like to be a child, fascinated and horrified by the world in equal parts. This site will reassure you that the things you used to believe weren't so strange after all...
Maanrock 2004
We visited Maanrock, a festival in Mechelen, last weekend, featuring bands like Dog Eat Dog, Buscemi and Krezip. The most remarkable thing I remember, though, were the giant waffles they sold (30 or 40 cm long), and the regret I still feel I didn't ordered one ;) Very nice city also, Mechelen, and as clean as Leuven too.
Grsecurity for 2.6.7
Cool ! Grsecurity is finally available for Linux 2.6.7, and has a brand new spiffy design.
IE CSS bugs
I was designing a website for a NPO, when I discovered that its layout sucked big time when seen in Internet Explorer. Turned out to be a bug in the CSS rendering of IE, but I surely lost quite some hours squashing the bug. Next time better take a look on this site about all IE bugs concerning CSS rendering.
HP offers 24/7 Debian support
'Hewlett-Packard finally offers 24x7 support for Debian GNU/Linux with HP Extensions. In an article Chris DiBona highlighted the services offered by GNU/Linux vendors and pointed out that their repositories are miles ahead of competing proprietary commercial offerings.
Love chess
Make love chess, not war chess.
Dammit ! I passed by the waste recycle park and noticed that some of the dumped computers still carried some coax network cards, like the ones I use at home (yes, I know it's 2004). As almost everyone uses UTP, coax cards are rare, and (more) expensive, so when I see a spare coax, I grab it. Unluckily, I wasn't allowed to disassemble the computers, as I need a special permit. What country is this, Russia ?
I got a few phone numbers of official instances that I'll try next week, so with a bit of luck, I'll have my coax cards in the next weeks.
Update : crap. No luck in obtaining some kind of permit. Apparently they still get money for those old machines...
I got a few phone numbers of official instances that I'll try next week, so with a bit of luck, I'll have my coax cards in the next weeks.
Update : crap. No luck in obtaining some kind of permit. Apparently they still get money for those old machines...
We visited the Beach party in Glabbeek last Friday, which featured a gig by the Levellers. Great feel-good music, and a nice environment for a concert - for once not crowded and jam packed with people. Gorki played before The Levellers, but dissapointed on a major scale : I allways have found their music to be all alike, and their last album tends to harder rock music, whereas their best and most famous songs are slower ones.
Company names
Most people know that the name for the Apache webserver found its origin in the "a patchy server" naming. has some more background about the ethymology of company and product names.