
1. Moments in Love - Art Of Noise
2. Care For You - Wolfsheim
3. Follow You, Follow Me - Genesis
4. Miracle Of Love - Eurythmics
5. Fields Of Joy - Lenny Kravitz
6. Ik Heb Je Lief - Stef Bos
7. Fields Of Gold - Sting
Ik ben heel blij dat ik er Wolfsheim heb kunnen tussensmokkelen. Wolfsheim is zowat mijn lievelingsgroep geworden de laatste jaren; ik kan iedereen hun CD 'Casting Shadows' van harte aanbevelen. Qntal was een waardige opvolger geweest, maar de gothic folk groep heeft het net niet gehaald van Art of Noise. Jammer, want als ik hun CD 'Ozymandius' iets eerder had gehad, zat 'em er zeker in.
Openingsdans op het avondfeest was More than anything in this world van Lenny Kravitz gevolgd door You're so beautifull van James Blunt.
Morituri te salutant
Het is een stresserende dag geweest. U hoeft uw beste onderbroek morgen dan toch niet aan te doen, want de VTM komt ons huwelijk toch niet filmen. Gisteren namelijk een telefoontje ontvangen van een reporter van 'Het hart van Vlaanderen' of zij een reportage mochten maken van ons huwelijk à la 'Het leven zoals het is'. Na lang nadenken dan toch toegehapt, maar wegens omstandigheden gaat het er dan toch niet van komen.
We weten nog altijd niet of het wel echt is, of het een grap van vrienden of collega's betreft. Indien het dat laatste is, mag ik nu al zeggen dat het een zeer geslaagde is. Dat zullen we dus morgen wel merken. Veel kunnen we niet meer wijzigen aan het beloop van alles, 't is nu sit back and enjoy the ride.
En nu ik erover nadenk, doe dat toch maar van die onderbroek...
We weten nog altijd niet of het wel echt is, of het een grap van vrienden of collega's betreft. Indien het dat laatste is, mag ik nu al zeggen dat het een zeer geslaagde is. Dat zullen we dus morgen wel merken. Veel kunnen we niet meer wijzigen aan het beloop van alles, 't is nu sit back and enjoy the ride.
En nu ik erover nadenk, doe dat toch maar van die onderbroek...
Spirit and Opportunity update
Whatever happened to the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity ? Well, they are still crawling on the surface of Mars. Their initial lifespan of 90 days has been extended several times up to today. Both robots are beginning to show aging but the NASA engineers are trying to keep them up as long as possible.
Here's a little overview of the current location and tracking of both rovers. Spirit continues to make progress toward "Home Plate," a conspicuous circular feature scientists hope to investigate before the Martian winter, in search of layered rock outcrops that may provide additional information about the geology of the "Columbia Hills." During the past week, the rover has driven nearly 100 meters (328 feet), and has still had time to do some targeted remote sensing. Spirit is currently just less than 170 meters (560 feet) from Home Plate.
Opportunity is healthy and is continuing the characterization of an outcrop called "Olympia." The rover is on top of a feature called "Overgaard." The plan is to complete a mosaic with the microscopic imager, then drive toward a feature called "Roosevelt" and examine it with tools on the robotic arm. The informal names of targets on Overgaard are related to Mozart, marking his 250th birthday on Jan. 27.
Several sites are making composites and large panoramas of the images beamed back to earth. My favourite is Mars midnight browser, but MER imagary, A Walk on Mars and are showing splendid pictures too.
Here's a little overview of the current location and tracking of both rovers. Spirit continues to make progress toward "Home Plate," a conspicuous circular feature scientists hope to investigate before the Martian winter, in search of layered rock outcrops that may provide additional information about the geology of the "Columbia Hills." During the past week, the rover has driven nearly 100 meters (328 feet), and has still had time to do some targeted remote sensing. Spirit is currently just less than 170 meters (560 feet) from Home Plate.
Opportunity is healthy and is continuing the characterization of an outcrop called "Olympia." The rover is on top of a feature called "Overgaard." The plan is to complete a mosaic with the microscopic imager, then drive toward a feature called "Roosevelt" and examine it with tools on the robotic arm. The informal names of targets on Overgaard are related to Mozart, marking his 250th birthday on Jan. 27.
Several sites are making composites and large panoramas of the images beamed back to earth. My favourite is Mars midnight browser, but MER imagary, A Walk on Mars and are showing splendid pictures too.
Mars renderings
Spaceforcase is a wonderfull site where Kees Veenenbos posts rendered images of planets in our solar system. Especially Mars is a popular rendering site. Every image is rendered very realistically, and has a little explanation too, which makes it all very interesting. Checkout his images of Titan, too.
Houston, we have a CSS problem
Dirk was the first to tell me that there was something wrong with the layout of this site in Internet Explorer : some links could not be clicked, like the one in the 'Top 2005 space images' post. I immediately thought of a typo in the specification of the link, but a quick check told me that this was 100% valid HTML code. So the error must be in the stylesheet. I replaced it with the default one in Drupal, and made some minor cosmetic changes. Seems to work better now in Internet Explorer, though the issue isn't completely solved.
D - 8 : het begint hier serieus te stressen. Nog een achttal dagen voor de trouw, en het is nu bijna dagelijks dingen te regelen. Ik ga trouwens een lijst ophangen met zaken die we de laatste week zullen moeten afwerken, of we gaan dingen vergeten, ik voel het. De betalingen beginnen ook binnen te stromen, en da's het minst leuke deel :( Nu begrijp ik ten volle waarom mensen zeggen dat je maar éénmaal in je leven een trouwfeest geeft.
Maar dit terzijde. We hebben nogal wat vragen gekregen van familieleden waar het allemaal te doen is in Leuven, dus heb ik een pagina gemaakt met daarop enkele wegbeschrijvingen naar de kerk, feestzaal, ... enzo, samen met kaartjes hoe je moet rijden. Hopelijk maakt dit het wat duidelijker voor niet-GPS bezitters. Voor de gelukkigen met een Agnes de GPS zijn hieronder nog de feestadressen vermeld :
Kerk : Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven
Parking vind je aan Tervuursevest 62, parking nummer P3.
Feestzaal : Ruisbroekstraat 24, 3360 Bierbeek
Maar dit terzijde. We hebben nogal wat vragen gekregen van familieleden waar het allemaal te doen is in Leuven, dus heb ik een pagina gemaakt met daarop enkele wegbeschrijvingen naar de kerk, feestzaal, ... enzo, samen met kaartjes hoe je moet rijden. Hopelijk maakt dit het wat duidelijker voor niet-GPS bezitters. Voor de gelukkigen met een Agnes de GPS zijn hieronder nog de feestadressen vermeld :
Kerk : Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven
Parking vind je aan Tervuursevest 62, parking nummer P3.
Feestzaal : Ruisbroekstraat 24, 3360 Bierbeek
Top space pictures in 2005 carries a page with the most stunning space images taken in 2005. Explore the view from Husband Hill, Mars, explore the surface of Titan or admire the remnants of the 1987A supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud, which optical hot-spots now encircle the ring like a necklace of incandescent diamonds. Each image is accompanied with an extended explanation.
The sound of your hard disk on acid
Industrial music is still alive, it seems : Hitachi put up some .wav files with the sounds of hard drives gone bad. Gizmodo is offering a sweet Tokyoflash Equalizer watch to the person who uses those sounds to create a song that makes the whole world sing.
The first batch of entries is in. You can give them a listen over at Odeo, or use the RSS feed.
There are plenty of tracks that sound like Autechre, even Ryoji Ikeda.
The first batch of entries is in. You can give them a listen over at Odeo, or use the RSS feed.
There are plenty of tracks that sound like Autechre, even Ryoji Ikeda.
One of the features of Solaris 10 which is no less important than DTrace, Zones, and SMF is the re-write and major speed-up of the network stack. Internally the project is called FireEngine, and BigAdmin carries an interesting round-up of this new stack.
OpenSolaris BrandZ is a framework that extends the Solaris Zones infrastructure to create Branded Zones, which are zones that contain non-native operating environments. Nils Nieuwejaar has a blog post where he installs a Debian zone with BrandZ.
OpenSolaris BrandZ is a framework that extends the Solaris Zones infrastructure to create Branded Zones, which are zones that contain non-native operating environments. Nils Nieuwejaar has a blog post where he installs a Debian zone with BrandZ.
On my way to Pluto
I'm on my way to Pluto. or at least, my name is. The NASA space probe New Horizons, launched yesterday, carries a disc with the names of all subscribers of the NH ecard site which I mentioned some months ago. The $700m probe will gather information on Pluto and its moons before - it is hoped - pressing on to explore other objects in the outer Solar System. Pluto is the only remaining planet that has never been visited by a spacecraft.
At the same time, researchers are opening the Stardust probe, which collected dust particles on the Wild2 comet. A very important part of the study of cometary grains is the study of organics. We know comets contain abundant organics and abundant water. We're not sure what kinds of organics are in there. But we think that most of the Earth's water and organics - most of the molecules in our bodies - came from comets.
Members of the public are being asked to sift through millions of pictures of the gel to locate the precise positions of the tiny grains. The project, known as Stardust@home, has been set up by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. Volunteers will be able to access the images via a web-based "virtual microscope".
At the same time, researchers are opening the Stardust probe, which collected dust particles on the Wild2 comet. A very important part of the study of cometary grains is the study of organics. We know comets contain abundant organics and abundant water. We're not sure what kinds of organics are in there. But we think that most of the Earth's water and organics - most of the molecules in our bodies - came from comets.
Members of the public are being asked to sift through millions of pictures of the gel to locate the precise positions of the tiny grains. The project, known as Stardust@home, has been set up by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. Volunteers will be able to access the images via a web-based "virtual microscope".