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Linux virtualization

IBM carries an article containing an overview of the current Linux virtualization methods, the techniques used over the years, and a survey of Linux virtualization projects. The different methods are somehow very briefly discussed, eg the part about the now standard KVM could have been described in more detail. QEMU though, looks promising, and I really should give it a try in order to remove VMWare from my system.

Monstrous manual

Planet ADnD has an online version available of the AD&D Monstrous Manual. Quite handy if you've forgotten your copy on a D&D party, but also a nice online reference book.

What's up - 2007 has another 2007 astro calender available for download (23 MB pdf). Very great overview of night objects for every skyhunter out there. The 2006 edition was a great success, the 2007 one looks as promising as the previous one.


I upgraded my XGL/Compiz set from Quinnstorm packages to the new Beryl-manager. The Gimp has an attitude of keeping several windows open, so trailfocus isn't really helpfull there, so I decided to exclude Gimp from the trailfocus module. That can be accomplished to specifying a WM_CLASS in the Beryl-manager, but what has to be specified there exactly ?

On can find the exact name of a WM_CLASS object by typing the command :


The cursor then changes to a cross, which enables you to select the application of which you want to know the WM_CLASS.


I spent the last week in the middle of the English countryside for a course of HP-UX Serviceguard.

Thick fog, Festive Feasants, Badgers, Guiness and heavy head aches. Luckily we travelled by EuroStar, cause Heathrow Airport was rather chaotic due to the fog.

There's a small collection of pictures I took with my mobile phone, so quality is not overall excellent. It offers a good, misty overview of a week with little or no distraction.

The Dora gun

Hitler wanted a gun able to pierce a meter of steel, seven meters of concrete, or thirty meters of dense earth. The Dora Gun was the result of this. You know the "bang" a rifle does, so try to imagine the sound of apocalypse when a 7 ton shell is fired, using thousands pounds of gun powder.
The Palpatine site has some more info on WW2 weaponry.