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The inner life of a cell

What happens inside a cell ? Why is a white blood cell rolling slowly over a blood vein wall, where red blood cells are moving at high speed ? All your questions answered in this educational video The inner life of the cell !

Comet chasing

Here's an interesting link for comet chasers : presents a list of visible (by telescope, not necessarily with the naked eye) comets in the current month.


Where did the garbage monster came from on the Death Star ? You know, when 2 garbage monsters love each other very much... The history of Dianoga, the monster in the Death Star sewers is intriguing :

Dianogas originated on the planet Vodran — discovered by the Hutts prior to the formation of the Galactic Republic — where the creatures evolved a form of natural camouflage to avoid the planet's large predators. Their bodies would become transparent when unfed.

Wookieepedia is an online reference of the Star Wars universe, and reads like a thrilling book.

Stephen Hawking in België

Op 20 mei organiseert Solvay een public event in het Auditorium 2000 op de Heysel met als sprekers de befaamde Stephen Hawking (The Origin of the Universe) en Harold Kroto (Architecture in Nanospace). Ingang is gratis, maar je dient je wel op voorhand in te schrijven, gezien het beperkte aantal plaatsen.

Adding Randomness to Your Photos

One of the wonderful things about digital photography is the creativity that you can engage in once you’ve got your image on your computer and in photoshop. All kinds of effects can be achieved to make your shots look any number of ways. Here are twelve in-camera hacks to experiment with to get more abstract and artistic shots

Greek Gods family tree has put a Greek God family tree online with links to Wikipedia. Some gods like Zeus got quite around (it's good to be the king), so you'd better maximize your browser for a better overview.